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Get Involved

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Sport and Cricket is extremely fortunate in the number of talented, dedicated and motivated volunteers that we have. But there will always be a shortage in willing volunteers, which is why we, the Kent Cricket Board are so keen to identify, recognise and rewards volunteers both new and old.

As a Board we see volunteers from all different areas of Cricket, including:

  • Coaches
  • Umpires & Scorers
  • Caterers & Bar Managers
  • Team Manager
  • Groundsman & Caretakers
  • Fixtures Secretarys
  • League Representatives
  • Fundraisers & Project Managers
  • Membership Secretaries
  • Treasurers
  • Chairmen & Trustees
  • Welfare Officers
  • Website Administrators
  • Press Officers

And that is by no means a full list! These people may not volunteer on a daily or even weekly basis, but their presence and input of time and skills make a huge difference to the provision and quality of Cricket in Kent.

If you would like to get involved in Volunteering anywhere in Kent, we would love to hear from you and will do our best to find you a rewarding opportunity. Its a fantastic way to meet new people, support your community as well as enhance your CV, so please don't hold back.

For more information contact the County Volunteer Co-ordinator, James Moss via

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