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Our Rules and What We Expect

Kent Cricket Board tries to set the highest standards our Young Cricketers should expect. In turn, we expect our Young Cricketers and their parents/guardians to meet those standards. It is important that we know what we should be delivering and what is expected of players: to this end, parents/guardians and players are required to sign up to a series of Charters.

We explain what our standards and expectation are in two documents:

The Player’s Charter

The Parent/Guardian's Charter

We also require that all the necessary provisions are in place before any young person can take part in a match or event as a Kent Young Cricketer. Those issues of compliance are dealt with in a Registraton Form which we require Parents or Guardians to complete online.

All this is overseen by the High Performance Team comprising David Turner (Chairman), Simon Willis (High Performance Director) and Jason Weaver (High Performance Manager).

Changing Room Policy

Photograpic Policy

Transport Policy

Social Bookmarks