EWCT Small Grants NOW open

We are pleased to announce that the EWCT Small Grants Scheme for 2014 is now open. Kent Cricket Board has been allocated £18,000 from the scheme.
The Key messages of the scheme this year and the changes from 2013 are:
Aim of the Scheme is ‘to create a sustainable future for affiliated cricket clubs’
Specifically to improve clubs environmental sustainability and reduce operating costs
- Aim of the Scheme is ‘to create a sustainable future for affiliated cricket clubs’
- Specifically to improve clubs environmental sustainability and reduce operating costs
- Scheme is open to all affiliated crickets clubs
- ECB Clubmark Registration or Accreditation is not a requirement
- Clubs who received an award from the EWCT Small Grant Scheme 2013 are not eligible to reapply in 2014
- Eligible projects and ineligible projects, please make yourself familiar with these (read the guidance notes attached)
- Minimum and maximum award and the reduction in partnership funding to a minimum of 10%
- Specific timescales have been set to allow us to promote and manage the Scheme locally
- A specific period has been set to allow us to make decisions on which applications we wish to support and forward to the EWCT for final approval
- Deadlines for applications in Kent is by the 30th April 2014
Please download the details of the scheme below, which include: -
EWCT SGS14 Guidance Notes for Cricket Clubs
EWCT SGS14 Application Form
A short presentation outlining the key elements of the scheme
Please forward all applications by 30th April 2014, to Andy Griffiths – or post to Andy Griffiths, Kent Cricket Board, The Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence, Old Dover Road, .
If you have any questions please get in touch.